Join a local club: Many cities in the UK have car racing clubs that offer training and the opportunity to participate in local events. Joining a club is a great way to meet other racing enthusiasts and learn more about the sport. These clubs often have their own tracks or access to local tracks, and may have a variety of vehicles available for members to use. Some clubs also offer coaching and training to help members improve their racing skills.

There are many local racing clubs in the UK that offer training and the opportunity to participate in car racing events. Some examples of these clubs include:

British Racing and Sports Car Club (BRSCC)750
Motor Club
Autosport Club
Castle Combe Racing Club
750 Formula

These clubs hold events at tracks throughout the UK, and many of them have their own tracks or access to local tracks. They may offer a variety of racing categories, such as formula racing, touring cars, sports cars, and more. Many of these clubs also offer coaching and training to help members improve their racing skills.

Take racing lessons: There are several racing schools in the UK that offer lessons and training on how to race. These schools often have their own tracks and racing vehicles, and can provide a good introduction to the sport. The lessons may include both classroom instruction and on-track driving. Some schools may also offer coaching and testing services to help you prepare for getting your racing license.

Buy or build a race car: If you already have a car that you think has the potential to be raced, you can modify it and enter it into local events. This might involve making changes to the engine, suspension, and other components to improve the car’s performance. Alternatively, you can purchase a race-ready car from a manufacturer or dealership. These cars are specifically designed and built for racing, and are often more expensive than modified street cars.

Get a racing license: In order to compete in most car racing events in the UK, you will need to obtain a racing license. You can apply for a license through the Motor Sports Association (MSA), the governing body for motor sports in the UK. To get a license, you will need to pass a medical examination and complete a series of training and safety courses. The MSA has different levels of racing licenses, depending on your experience and the type of racing you want to do. Some of the courses you may need to take to get a license include an ARDS (Association of Racing Driver Schools) test, a “Race School” course, and a “Safety and Racecraft” course.

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